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Go Hawks!

May 12, 2023, 17 tweets

Our schedule through an AI generator: a thread 🧵

"Photo of a hawk riding a mountain ram with horns"

#GoHawks x @Delta

"Painting of little sad lion and heroic green hawk"

"Furry panther mascot photo with blue hawk"

"Photo of a blue hawk flying above New York City skyline"

"Painting of a smiling osprey and a sad bengal tiger"

"Color pencil art of cardinal and blue osprey flying above Seattle"

"English bulldog with hawks flying above"

"Blue and green hawk fighting a raven"

"Stain glass, window of a pig and a hawk"

"Expressionist painting of blue hawk and ram"

"Painting of a blue bird and a prospector for a Thanksgiving dinner"

"Portrait of a stern looking blue and green hawk with cowboy hat"

"Portrait of scared gold miner with blue hawk perched on his shoulder"

"Menacing blue hawk and a sad green eagle"

"Photo of a titan and a blue hawk"

"Blue hawk standing next to dirty, yellow towel laying in the street with rain"

"Cubism art of a blue hawk fighting with a small cardinal"

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