Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 Profile picture
Cat owner from Kherson🇺🇦. Here I post mainly about ongoing war in Ukraine and situation in my hometown Kherson, liberated 11/11/2022. (fled from Kherson)

May 13, 2023, 17 tweets

The helicopter reportedly crashed in Klintsy, Bryansk region, Russia. Before the fall, it reportedly circled over the city for a long time, then there was an explosion and after that it collapsed on a house in the private sector. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

/2. The helicopter was shot down by air defense twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

/3. Russian emergency services said that the helicopter crashed due to an engine fire. 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

/4. An unexpected turn of events. “According to preliminary data, we are talking about the fall of 2 helicopters at once. 1 of them fell in Klintsy themselves, another 1 near the village of Suretsky . - Russian media

/5. Due to the fact that everything happened at the same time, it can be difficult to get all the information right. But apparently one of the downed targets in the Bryansk region was also a military fighter jet.

/6. The wreckage of one of the fallen objects. Probably a helicopter. A red star is clearly visible on the wreckage - the hallmark of the Russian Air Force

/7. Now officially.
>Su-34 crashed in the Bryansk region, according to emergency services.
>As a result of the crash of the Mi-8 in the Bryansk region, two people died.
Russian media

/8. Wow. The story doesn't end there. 🙀
“On the territory of Klintsovsky district of Bryansk region, the Interception plan has been introduced. According to our information, they are looking for saboteurs who may be involved in the attack on the Mi-8 and Su-34. - Russian media

/9. Now the information regarding “the interception plan” is denied by other Russian media’s 🤷‍♂️

/10. Crew of Su-34, which crashed in the village of Istrovka, died. Pilot and navigator were unable to eject. Their remains have already been found, the crash site cordoned off.
P.S: interestingly it’s not near the places where the crash sites were reported previously. (Post №4)

/11. If we enter the category of unconfirmed rumors, then we can talk about:
Two Mi-8s, one Su-35 and one Su-34 in total. But it is best to give a little time for this very vague event to finally clear up.

/12. Both Mi-8s fell over Klintsy. Su-34 and Su-35 crashed near the 🇺🇦 border near Starodub. Interception plan was deployed throughout the southwestern part of the Bryansk region. - Russian media.
PS: Why do you need an “interception plan”? Haven't you intercepted enough already?

/13. One of Russian helicopters reportedly crashed near the village of Volkustichi. At the moment, a cordon has been set up around the crash site.


/15. Russian media - "The aircrafts that crashed in the Bryansk region were shot down not from the territory of Russia - the Armed Forces of 🇺🇦 attacked it from the Chernihiv region, Ukraine".
P.S: distance from the 🇺🇦 border to geolocated crash site of one of Mi-8 is about 50 km

/16. “Not a single member of the crew of the four aircrafts that crashed today in the Bryansk region survived.”- Russian media

/17. As reported by Russian media - 9 Russian military aviation personnel 💀 as a result of “crashes” of two Mi-8, Su-34 and Su-35 in Bryansk region.
3💀- Mi-8 in Klintsy
3💀- Mi-8 in Suretskii Muravei
2💀- Su-34 in Nizhnee
1💀- Su-35 in Volkustichi
(map updated)

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