miguelifornia Profile picture
Servant of the Most High! Lover of God, Family, America! Michael Beatty -Pillar & Chaplain to Trump's Online War Machine - friend of the Warlord

May 13, 2023, 6 tweets

The Ron DeSantis thread of creepiness

People say, hey miguel, what's the big deal, he's just laughing?

When you add 1 + 1 +1 +1 +1 = #CreepyRon
Allow me to explain

Ron laughs creepy.
We saw it from the beginning

Then there was the
"let's dress our kids in MAGA gear"

Then he hired a registered foreign agent to run his communications campaign(and she blocked everyone)

Then the overseas Hillary bobblehead
extra creepy

Then today in IOWA
Gator lift boots (he is really short)
and skinny jeans

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