Lee Brimelow Profile picture
iOS/macOS prototyping at Adobe, Swift ❤︎'er, Bay Area sports, bodybuilding, bass player, currently obsessed with generative AI

May 15, 2023, 5 tweets

I've been trying to focus my #AdobeFirefly experiments on creating useful things that designers and photographers need. One thing it is great for is creating overlay textures for Photoshop.

Here are 4 that I generated with a 🧵 showing how I used them.

Prompts in the ALTs ↓

Bumped the brightness of the texture a bit and then used the Subtract blend mode (set at 53% opacity)

Lowered the brightness of the texture and used the overlay blend mode. Slightly masked the texture around the car.

Used the overlay blend mode and set the opacity to 64%. Bumped up the brightness of the texture and slightly masked the adjustment layer around the face.

Used the vivid light blend mode set at 34% opacity.

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