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concert girly 💕

May 15, 2023, 22 tweets

a tinkle situation - #jikookau

where j/m gets stung by a jellyfish and had to ask his crush j/k to pee on his foot

•grammar mistakes!
•ignore time stamps!
•fluff, crack
•explicit photos 🔞 sooo MDNI!!
•super short

☼ #jikookau ☼

1. which one

☼ #jikookau ☼

2. personally

☼ #jikookau ☼

3. desperate

☼ #jikookau ☼

4. hello

☼ #jikookau ☼

5. going

☼ #jikookau ☼

6. bikini

☼ #jikookau ☼

7. sulking

☼ #jikookau ☼


☼ #jikookau ☼

9. abort

☼ #jikookau ☼

10. pretty

☼ #jikookau ☼

11. horrible

☼ #jikookau ☼

12. sos

☼ #jikookau ☼

13. favor

☼ #jikookau ☼

14. worse

☼ #jikookau ☼

15. saw

☼ #jikookau ☼

16. owe

☼ #jikookau ☼

17. guess what?

☼ #jikookau ☼

18. date


I don’t think this matches with the prompt… welp bye ✌🏻

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