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May 15, 2023, 11 tweets

NEW: CW/Sexual assault: a former employee of Rudy Giuliani is suing him under the New York Adult Survivor’s act for rape. According to the lawsuit, he forced her to give him oral sex DURING phone calls with important people. 1/

Sometimes this would happen when Rudy was strategizing with Trump on how to stop Mueller. 2/

The lawsuit goes into a lot of detail about Rudy’s constant drinking. 3/

While the abuse was going on, Rudy was not paying her, and was keeping her employment a secret. 4/

She overheard conversations about the plan to claim “voter fraud” if trump lost the 2020 election. 5/

She has recordings and texts and emails. Here’s one where Rudy says she’s HIS and no one else can have her now. 6/

He told her that he and Donald were selling pardons for $2M, which he would split with Donald. 7/

Here is the rape allegation. 8/

Per the lawsuit, while raping her, Rudy would call her a cxnt, a bxtch, and “Rudy’s slxt”, and would discuss BDSM. 9/

Rudy hits Ms. Dunphy while raping her, per the lawsuit. 10/

Y’all. I have to stop reading this now. Here’s the link. I’m unable to continue, and I need to step away. Thank you for understanding. END/…

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