Jay Kreps Profile picture
CEO of @confluentinc (https://t.co/fKQHUe4nIJ). Co-creator of @apachekafka. Sí se puede.

May 16, 2023, 23 tweets

1. Here’s a summary of my #kafkasummit talk for those who missed the live stream with links and pics of all the things we announced!

2. This was probably the most new open source stuff, cool at-scale cloud details, and new Confluent features I’ve ever had in a keynote. But it was too exciting to leave anything out.

3. I gave an overview of the stack that is emerging around Kafka, the Data Streaming Platform. There are a couple of components to this. There’s Kafka of course, but increasingly the key other layers are the connectors, stream processing, and tools to govern streaming data.

4. Kafka is taking off and there is exciting innovation happening in open source and commercial products at each layer of this stack. I'll covered some of the open source work and some new product announcements from Confluent.

5. First, the core stream itself, Apache Kafka. As usual with open source the work is done by a broad base of committers from dozens of companies with a strong commitment to making Kafka succeed.

6. There is a rich roadmap of features including the recent work on Zookeeper-free Kafka, the upcoming tiered storage work, and the new work on Queues for Kafka.

7. Queuing in Kafka is one of the more exciting bits and there and those wanting to know more can check out KIP-932 for more details on the proposal. cwiki.apache.org/confluence/dis…

8. I also covered a bit about the internals of the Kafka service offered in Confluent Cloud and gave an in depth walk through on Kora, the core engine that runs our cloud.

9. Some of the advantages of Kora include 30x improvements in elasticity, 10x advantage in resilience, scalable infinite storage, substantial improvements in performance, and the cost structure that enables our Cost Challenge confluent.io/en-gb/blog/und…

10. There is more to say there than fits in twitter, so I’ll link out to the longer blog I did on Kora. confluent.io/en-gb/blog/clo…

11. Okay that is the stream layer, now let’s move up the stack a bit and talk about the rest of the data streaming platform.

12. The first announcement is Custom Connectors in Confluent Cloud. This means that in addition to the 70+ fully managed connectors we offer, you can now bring any Kafka Connector and run it in Confluent Cloud.

13. Next is Data Quality Rules in Stream Governance, these let you check richer assertions beyond just syntactic correctness in your data.

14. Finally the big one: Flink!!! This is probably the biggest and most important product effort at Confluent since we launched Confluent Cloud. I could not be more excited.

15. Why is this so important? I think stream processing has a similar role with streaming data that databases have with stored data---they make building applications easier. And Flink is in a leadership position in stream processing.

16. Today we are opening up early access to our fully managed Flink SQL offering. We have an exciting roadmap beyond that:

17. Why Flink? Well it’s a combination an amazing community and a fantastic platform.

18. What makes our Flink offering special? Two dimensions I’ll highlight. First, it’s truly cloud native.

19. Second it’s fully integrated with the rest of Confluent Cloud so all the parts of the Data Streaming Platform natively talk to each other--Kafka, connectors, Flink and Governance all work together. If you create a topic, it shows up automatically in Flink for SQL queries.

20. We still early in this effort but I couldn’t be more excited about the team, the progress so far, and where it is heading.

21. Finally one last thing! All of this is about sharing data within an organization. But often companies need to share beyond their own walls. Can we make that equally easy? We can, that is where Stream Sharing comes in.

22. Okay so all these announcements may leave you wanting more details. This blog and the recording of my talk both a bit more depth and we’ll have deep dive blogs and online sessions on many of these in the weeks ahead.confluent.io/en-gb/blog/str… kafka-summit.org/events/kafka-s…

23. Whew! That’s a lot. Huge thanks for the team at Confluent and the larger open source community for sustaining the incredible pace of innovation. Big things are happening in streaming!

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