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May 16, 2023, 8 tweets

Chris Cornell did not suicide himself after trying to expose the Clinton's #Haiti related #ChildTrafficking scandal.
Part 1

Chris Cornell did not suicide himself after trying to expose the Clinton's #Haiti related #ChildTrafficking scandal.
Part 2

Chris Cornell, Paul Walker , Chester Bennington

Bill & Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Frank Giustra, Mike Shinoda

#Haiti #TheClintonFoundation #StopHumanTrafficking #EndChildTrafficking #SaveTheChildren #8MillionAYear #TheyDontKidnapThemselves

If this was an actual conspiracy it would have gone away or be easy to bury.
But #PizzaGateIsReal
And not going away until all the #Pedovores go away.

🌼 We Don't Just Disappear 🌼


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