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May 17, 2023, 22 tweets

AFRICAN GAZE was an exhibition showcasing the weird and wonderful art form that is the Ghanaian movie poster. These are some of the best...


1/20 - Mrs Doubtfire

2/20 - E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

3/20 - Predator

4/20 Ferris Bueller's Day Off

5/20 - The Godfather

6/20 - Mission: Impossible

7/20 - The Terminator

8/20 - Jurassic Park

9/20 - Space Jam

10/20 - Twin Peaks

11/20 - Star Wars

12/20 - The Running Man

13/20 The Spy Who Loved Me

14/20 - The Matrix

15/20 - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

16/20 - Aliens

17/20 - Total Recall

18/20 - The Witches

19/20 - Rocky IV

20/20 - Kickboxer

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