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May 17, 2023, 11 tweets

AI is more dangerous than you think.

Recently the founder of ChatGPT, Sam Altman, talked about AI regulation.

The dangers, risks, and precautions to take.

The recording is 4h 38mins.

Here are 7 most important things you need to know:

1. Opening statement

AI has the potential to improve nearly every aspect of people's lives but it also creates serious risks.

2. Misinformation risk

Companies should review the test results before releasing the model.

Independent audits are also necessary to ensure the model's accuracy and reliability.

3. Job risk

The jobs of tomorrow will be even better than the jobs of today.

New technologies will create new opportunities.

The jobs of today will be enhanced by AI.

4. Sam's worst fear

"My worst fears are that we, the field the technology the industry, cause significant harm to the world."

5. Election misinformation

There is concern about the impact of AI on elections.

The industry and government should work together to address this.

Policies and monitoring are in place to detect AI-generated tweets.

6. Best ways to regulate AI

• Create a new agency to license & regulate AI models.

• Create safety standards for AI models that identify & mitigate dangerous capabilities.

• Require independent audits from experts to ensure compliance with safety standards.

7. On language inclusivity in LLMs

It is important to make models available in many languages.

"We worked with Iceland and will partner with others to make models available in lower-resource languages."

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