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May 17, 2023, 5 tweets

Full Send SZN2 🌶

@joepegsnft is coming in hot with a new calendar of free mints, collectibles, riddles, events and rewards.

Starting this Friday on #BNBChain

Intrigued? Check this out...🦩

As part of the Full Send SZN2 campaign, Joepegs will stealth-launch a selection of micro free mints in a range featuring a classic range of memes, formats and Gary.

📍 Here's your roadmap:

Pool Party 💦

To celebrate the launch of Auto-Pools, get ready for the Pool Party event.

Early adopters will have the chance to unlock unique NFTs, enjoy special community perks, and win JOE token prizes 💎

Downbad Donkeys 🧢

Brace yourselves for the grand finale of the Full Send campaign - the highly anticipated launch of @DownbadDonkeys

Get ready to join forces with collectors from all walks of life, as we unite under the ethos of Downbad Donkeys. Donk.

So mark your calendars, spread the word, and get ready to experience #FullSendSZN2 in all its glory.

Trader Joe & Joepegs are ready to redefine what it means to go all-in to make waves on #BNB…

...'member FullSendSZN1 @smol_joes ?

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