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May 17, 2023, 7 tweets

How's this for "Conservative values" in Erie County?

Cheektowaga Conservative Party Chairman Joe Gallo was so upset that his fraudulent candidate petitions were challenged in court that he has decided to continually attack the woman who challenged them with some good ole' boy conservative name-calling, threats and harassment

Even creepier... Gallo continually FOIL requests her town employee timesheets. #creeper

Why should a fully employed single mom be threatened to suddenly "start a GO FUND ME" because she legally and properly challenged a few shady candidate petitions? @CPDNYInfo

We could ask Conservative Party Chairman Ralph Lorigo what he thinks about this kind of behavior but unfortunately, we may already know where Gallo gets it from...

In @ERIECOUNTYGOP and @conservativesec politics, nothing says "conservative values" quite like some misdemeanor harassment, a few veiled threats and a little misogynistic name-calling 🙄

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