Scaniaha πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Profile picture

May 19, 2023, 10 tweets

I have been thinking a while if I should post my own coming to Twitter and NAFO story, opening up scares me extremly, but here we go:
My personal ties to Ukraine before the war were zero. I didn't have a family background or friends

coming from this beautiful country. But I followed the news from 2014 on, and it caused a spark.
When Gulag-country took the step to the full blown war I was crying for weeks. The news feeds lacked of views from Ukraine, so I came here. To find voices you won't hear on

normal television news.
And I met amongst other amazing ppl my dear @darekadattehito , she showed and learned me so much. The wittiest racoon there is!
@mr_gh0stly was the one that led me to NAFO, I also waited a bit till I finally got what tracksuits have to do with it all.

I found a great security net with the lovely NAFO DE and AT groups. Love you guys 😘😘😘
From my nature I am terrible introvert, you find me way more in the comment section than doing my own posts.
So trying to take aktive actions was a big step for me

First I needed something more @KTARDV6 , my beloved fella motha.. thank you for the best outfit πŸ”₯ Thank you for the great paintings and showing me what being fearless and your absolute self is!

A big shoutout to my dear @alaylagw
Without you I never would have

dared to do these soo successfull Syrian foundraisers, you really are so amazing! Those were genius ideas! ❀️

And where are we now.. I met soo amazing artists. My dears, I admire you so much!! Thank you for each creation, thank you for every beautiful item I get to see

With each creation you bring soo much joy! Never underestimate the power of art.
And to get to know the brave people with so much on their shoulders.. @jana_skhidna @boroda_ruda_ @vlad_sord
You are so inspirational as well..
Giving your all day by day.. I can never express

with all the right words what you mean to me. How much I keep my fingers crossed for you all day by day, hoping for the next update..
Thank you for your service!
So much for keeping it short.. sorry.
There are soo many more I should mention, but then you would have to

read a whole book πŸ˜„

Thank you @Kama_Kamilia for giving us this safe space to operate from.
Thank you all amazing forgers creating art day by day!

And please take a look at my pinned tweet... We have something very nice

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