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I write simps not tragedies • she/her, bi • nsfw

May 20, 2023, 37 tweets

✨Star Girlz✨

Rey and Rose are exotic dancers at the Star Girlz bar and lounge. When new management steps in and working conditions nosedive, the girls take their fight to the streets.

A reylo socmed AU

#stargirlzfic to mute!

Rated: E

CW // sexual content, references to sexual harassment in the workplace; if you don’t support strippers and their right to safe working conditions, this fic is not for you!


Based on a true story 💕 #stargirlzfic…

1. Rey and Rose are longtime dancers at Star Girlz bar and lounge ✨


2. After the business was sold to First Order Management last year, working conditions have become increasingly unsafe.


3. Rats, roaches, broken equipment, and a lax security policy that allows patrons to violate established rules around touching and filming – Star Girlz has been wracking up OSHA violations for months.


4. The breaking point comes when Kaydel, one of the dancers, reports a patron for harassing her. A day after alerting management of the incident, she is fired.


5. No shirt! No shoes! No scabs!


6. News of the strike gains momentum online…and one union lawyer takes notice


10. Ben and Hux stop by that evening for a chat with the dancers.


11. They walk away with glitter and a rainbow of lipstick marks on their cheeks to seal the deal.


16. First Order Management isn’t going down without a fight, though. FO owner Anthony Snoke attempts to lure some of the girls out of the picket line with bonuses and promises of higher pay.


17. Things take a turn for the worst one night when a group of drunk patrons stumble out of the club and start heckling the protestors.


20. “Our girls”


22. 🤭


23. The strike continues, and publicity is on their side. News channels, TikTok – everyone is talking about strippers on strike!


24. Public pressure and mounting legal challenges leave First Order Management with little choice…


25. 🎉🎉🎉


26. It’s a whirlwind after the news breaks, and negotiations move quickly. Many girls return to work immediately, but Rey takes a few days off to process the victory.


34. ✨THE END✨

Thank you for reading! This was so much fun to write and I hope you enjoyed. And remember: all workers deserve safety!


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