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Journalist. The british armed forces history got me into following everything military. Author of # Juventus FC fan

May 20, 2023, 13 tweets

It is a well known fact that timelines slip and ambitions sometimes are not realized, but fact is: Royal Navy is working on its Future Maritime Aviation Force vision of a variety of drones integrating helicopters and a "standard" carrier wing of 2x F-35B Sqns (24 embarked jets)

The road to FMAF is undoubtedly long and complex. Much of what is being pursued was, quite simply, never done before. There is no ready manual, much of it has yet to be written and progress will come in stages, both for technical and budgetary reasons.

1) carriers: Royal Navy has already demonstrated it can operate both to sea at same time if needed, and might do so again this autumn, considering Prince of Wales is scheduled to return and work up ahead of high readiness next year, and QE will be deploying.

2) F-35B: 1st tranche of 48 is now either delivered (30) or in production and deliveries will conclude in 2025/Lot 17. Work now is on for procurement of 2nd tranche (Lot 18 onwards) to get to 74 by "early 2030s" including replacement for lost ZM152, according to CAS the other day

3) Possible ship modifications: the Royal Navy is aware that integrating drones capable of ISR (including AEW), Strike and ideally Air to Air refuelling might require, at a minimum, barriers/arresting gear if not some form of catapult. Project ARK ROYAL is looking at both.

4) VAMPIRE. The Qinetiq BANSHEE 80+ has been procured as a threat simulation drone and replacement for the HAWK T1s of disbanded 736 NAS, but this is intended to be the first role only. VAMPIRE is looking at fitting ISR (EO/IR and a small conformal AESA radar) equipment onto them

5) VIXEN. Longer term, a fixed-wing, multirole drone with a large payload is the aim, to contribute to Strike and to hopefully succeed to CROWSNEST in delivering Airborne Early Warning so the overworked MERLINs can go back to doing ASW "only".

6) MOJAVE: the latest announcement for 7 months of evaluations with General Atomics' Short Take Off and Landing solutions for large (MQ-9B PROTECTOR class drones) will be exploring just how far you can go in terms of drone sizes and weights WITHOUT needing to modify the ship.

7) PROTEUS: due to fly in 2025, this uncrewed helicopter being developed by Leonardo at Yeovil will have MTOW of 7000 lbs/3000+ kg with large payload. Again, aim is to contribute to AEW and ASW, supporting manned MERLIN. MCM mission is also looking at using air drones in support.

8) PRIMUS: Heavy Lift drone(s), supported by a dedicate NAVYPODS container, with the ability to move loads between ships and ship to shore, to ensure VERTREP tasks / carrier on board delivery and many others that do not quite require a manned helicopter are covered more cheaply.

9) MINERVA: automated Search and Rescue able to locate a man in water, drop SAR kit and mark position, cutting down requirement for plane guard helicopter etc. Like Heavy Lift, this is now finding purchase abroad and in the Army (see CASEVAC simulation at Wessex Storm this month)

10) PEREGRINE / Flexible Tactical UAS: urgent operational requirement for deployed warships, primarily in the Gulf. Shiebel S100 helicopter with EO/IR and Thales I-Master search radar.

11) At lower levels there are small drones like PUMA All Environment, PRIMIS and SECONDIS being purchased for Royal Marines use, the latter with the ability to be tethered to serve as a virtual high observation mast; the Anduril GHOST S4 helicopter also used by RAF Regiment etc.

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