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May 20, 2023, 8 tweets

What happened to King Lobengula? A micro thread of clues...
History books & a Ndebele song say " he disappeared". But did he?When the British invasion army smashed the Ndebele regiments & Imbizo commandos , at the Gadade plains , King Lobengula fled north torching the capital

Allan Wilson in an illadvised move persued the King across the dry Shangani river with about 30 British troops. That night it rained & the Shangani river became a flood cutting off the hapless Wilson troops. They were cut down to the last man by the Matabele warriors in Pupu.

White historians say they begged for mercy crying " hayikhona yena bulala zonke Khumalo". Instead of bringing King Lobengulas head to Bulawayo Wilsons patrol became food for vultures. A ludicrous rumour then spread that King Lobengula died of gout malaria or smallpox soon after

King Lobengula was received by Chief Pashu who prepared a canoe to transport the King & his troops to cross the Zambezi river then proceeded to Ndwandwe Chief Mpezeni Jele in eastern Zambia.There Lobengula died after many years leaving a Khumalo chief & comunity still there today

Clues to King Lobengulas whereabouts:
Queen Lozikeyi Dlodlo , used to receive visitors from Zambia. She is documented as having prepared the city as though to receive the King whenever these visitors from Zambia arrived ( source : Lozikeyi Dlodlo by Marieke Clarke)

2nd clue: The princes annual visit to Zambia
King Lobengula had a son called Tshakalisa Sintingantinga. Every year he would travel to Zambia on secret missions & even named his Dabulamanzi to tell the story of how King Lobengula crossed the Zambezi river (source - oral history)

Final clue - Nsele Hlabangana arrest: Nsele Hlabangana , famous co founder of Highlanders FC with the royal Princes a descendent of chief Lotshe was arrested by the Rhodesians for saying Lobengula is buried in Zambia. He was kept under house arrest for 6 months till he proved it

By producing a magazine or publication by Native administrator of Northern Rhodesia who had written an article saying local Zambian natives claim Lobengula is buried in Zambia. He was released from the 6 month house arrest after producing that evidence ( source - interview

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