Jeffrey M Vinocur Profile picture
Pediatric/congenital electrophysiologist. Lapsed computer scientist. #ZeroFluoro. Views are my own, and not medical advice.

May 20, 2023, 14 tweets

#HRS2023 #2023PaceSetter
@wilzawall and @MaullyShah debating preemptive ablation vs abandonment of unnecessary leads in pediatric/congenital patients

Wilson opens with a very balanced perspective

Running through the various factors that play into the decision

Now Maully starting off singing the praises of her opponent, and then into a case example

Dramatic pivot in the example case

Review of lead binding

So what’s the balance? Probably depends

Prior sternotomy not protective against SVC/innominate injury

Back to the clinical case that had post extraction TR (but ultimately doing well) and thoughts about tricuspid valve interactions

Importance of implant prior to 12 years of age as a risk factor

Lead design factors and initial conclusions from @MaullyShah

Rebuttal from Wilson

Rebuttal from Maully showing thought process on some provocative cases (part 1)

More provocative cases

Wrapping up rebuttal cases

Following this was great discussion including suggestion that routine implants < 25 kg should be epicardial

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