🕯NarfGB Profile picture
🕯In memoriam. Heroes won't be forgotten, Prof. Arne Burkhardt. #Mousearmy I like crosstalks but not that forced by the shots

May 21, 2023, 5 tweets

Vikki loves to quote garbage cause it sells much better than reality.

Wording is everything they can use to confuse people

@Fynnderella1 @Jikkyleaks @DoorlessCarp @TheRebelPatient @KathMLee1 @kacdnp91 @PinsolleT @tatiann69922625 @plej_a @AnneliseBocquet @RetsefL @joshg99 Phew... I think with that summary I'll take now finally a nap. Didn't notice how late/ early it is here. Narf.


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