Lionessque18 🇮🇱📖🩺🔯 Profile picture
Obligate Reader. Proud Jew and Zionist 🇮🇱. Straight woman, never cis. Centrist. Vet. Gamer. Birdwatcher. Plant keeper. Occasional wildlife rehabber. I❤️JKR.

May 21, 2023, 10 tweets

Poles whitewashing the Shoah, they come in droves: They were the 1st +true Nazi victims bcs they suffered so much to protect us, and not even those who worked for the Nazis and supported the camps' infrastructures on the outside really helped the nazis.

Poles often LARP as Jews and create bots to spread their historical revisionism of their relatives' role in the Holocaust, like so:

There they are, the Twitter Poles we know so well by now. It invariably - INVARIABLY - ends like this: Jews brought their own genocide upon themselves [by breathing], Jews deserved it, Hitler should have been more effective, Jews have no honour. Rinse, repeat.

'The Holocaust happened in Poland but no Poles took part in it' [apart those who worke in camps, supported camps' infrastructures on the outside, and murdered survivors who went back home to keep their property.]

They often also use Nazi-speak by referring to us as a 'race'.

Dragging I/P into a discussion about Poland/Poles' role in the Shoah is textbook AS and a common strategy. They all spread the same inane 'genocide' tropes - Gaza + J&S have an obesity epidemic, population rose 5-fold since their 64 creation, their Health Indexes surpass Egypts'.

Did I know they were the first victims and suffered greatly and are completely innocent? So we're repeatedly told.

The 'You Jew should visit a camp' is a new level of gaslighting and antisemitism, though, mazal to Rafal for the utter perversion.

Some more imbecility, racism and a whole lot of projection: 'Jews did the same and Palestinian GENOCIIIIIIDE!'

Again: 5-fold population increase in Palestine since 64 creation, epidemic obesity, buffets, sweet shops everywhere, sweets covered in actual gold. #TheGazaYouDontSee

On and on and on, now with some Holocaust appropriation too.

Little Orphan Agnezka.

Survivors who returned home and were murdered when they asked for their property back were killed by descendants of the Jews who, it'd seem, hopped on a TARDIS and managed to avoid the Holocaust; and also the Jewish bourgeoisie. 🤦‍♀️ They are desperate.

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