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She/Her | Kaia Gerber owns my soul | Maloi and Aiah | Warrior Nun and BINI stan account

May 21, 2023, 41 tweets

- quick #Avatrice SMAU 3.0

You know the drill! All you have to know is that Ava and Bea are roommates. They are also exes. Why did they break up? Will they rekindle the flame that once burned between them?

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun


- timestamps don't matter
- no character backgrounds, we'll dive straight into it!
- this is a very quick smau! 30-40 updates!
- everyone's a working adult. Perhaps except Ava for now lol
- hope you enjoy it!

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

2. BJT 🤪🤣

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

5. Never stopped

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

7. No, hell no

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

8. Are you high?

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

9. Happy for her

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

12. Their faces

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

13. Good dinner

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

17. Old letter

[Old journal entry of Beatrice. This was written weeks after their break-up.]

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

19. In this day and age

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

20. Potterheads

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

21. Old letter #2

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

23. Small joys

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

24. Old letter #3

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

26. Time check

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

27. Old letter

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

31. You did it

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

32. One day too many

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

33. A lot shorter

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

38. Every step

#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun


Aaand that's it, folks! Thanks so much for reading up until this point! This ssmau is really simply about them doing housemates stuff and eventually getting back together.

To Kay (she's my rl friend), this is for you! Thank you!

To more ssmaus! 💕

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