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May 21, 2023, 6 tweets

The 2023 WHO Director General’s Global Leaders Awards are given to Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum and Pieter Piot.

Both are distinguished scientists and public health leaders who were closely involved in the discovery of Ebola before advancing to leadership positions in global……

Prof Muyembe-Tamfum from #DRCongo is being recognized for his innovation, leadership and ground-breaking contributions to the management and treatment of diseases such as Ebola.

He has played a critical role in improving health outcomes in his country, the African region, and……

Prof Muyembe-Tamfun was part of the team that discovered the Zaïre Ebola virus during the first recorded outbreak in 1976, in Equateur Province, Central #DRCongo.

He later helped design one of the first effective treatments against the virus and the deployment of experimental……

Prof Piot from #Belgium is being recognized for his extraordinary leadership in the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and other significant global health challenges.

He also played a part in the earlier discovery of the Ebola virus, and the containment of the first-known……

Prof Piot has also played a vital role in launching major global health initiatives such as @UNAIDS, the @GlobalFund and others that improved health outcomes around the world.

Under his leadership, UNAIDS became the chief advocate for worldwide action against AIDS……

Correction: The name of one of the recipients of 2023 WHO Director General’s Global Leaders Awards is Peter Piot, not Pieter.

We apologize for the spelling error and appreciate your understanding.


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