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Hum bolega to bologe ke bolta hai! Food, travel, nature, history, astronomy, and marketing. Associate Professor @stevensbusiness. Opinions personall He/Him.

May 21, 2023, 12 tweets

Back at #OurWawar which has exploded into all shades of green.

Anchor Stump (pic 4) looking elegant as always.

Relaxing Sunday at #OurWawar with our @k_rupal, listening to half a dozen different bird calls. I can hear a wood thrush but can't see it.

This is true. We were gone just 3 weeks and so much stuff has sprung up! How rapidly do these green things turn sunlight and air and water into living cells! 😳

3 weeks difference!

Look at this chubby gorgeous wild turkey just sauntering around #OurWawar.

No wonder we found a bunch of decades old turkey traps on the land.

No wonder the guy who apparently owned this property a century ago lived off the land. We get so much game meat walking through!

This big boy would feed a family of four for a week easy!

The constant cacophony of birds, both migratory and local. #OurWawar

"what advice would you give a Pune boy experienced in Sahyadri treks about DC area hiking & camping?"



American cities being mostly bug free make us complacent about their woods which are scarily dangerously more insect filled than Indian woods.

That is seriously the topmost advice I'll give any Indian heading out into the American woods.

DO NOT underestimate their bugs thinking, I'm from India, I'm used to insects.

No, you are not!

North American insects can literally kill you if you don't take precautions.

Oh deer! #OurWavar

Oooh, this is the first time we have caught a fox on the camera trap in daytime!! #OurWawar

Garfield!!! #OurWawar

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