GRRLunderground 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸⛑️🟧 Profile picture
🌊🐙🐚🫧Gen X Social Justice, #Demcast, out of cage, Mom 2 Fantastic Millenial, Writer, reading maniac - every subject, especially history. Autistic. No DM.

May 23, 2023, 17 tweets

#RapeIncestLegal12States - 33 states exempt Religion from Reporting child sex abuse. They use the loophole, still do. Lie to blame LGBTQ. See pinned tweet. Preachers, ✝️ youth pastors, cops 👮 judges👨‍⚖️ child and college psychiatrists 👧🏼

The only rising crime in many states, including Florida and TX, is rape. Using all other crime to hide this by accentuating Blaaack criiime! as much worse. Trump & Republicans encourage rape culture. CNN had rape culture awards show.

#LookWhatReligionDoesToGirls "Men Decide Girls Life Chances With Their Dicks" Headlines I never thought I'd see in America.

In this article of weighted to Christian belief, they aren't even ashamed to factor in forced child brides, to their equation. 🚩
"The age adjusted crude divorce rate is currently 13 divorces for every 1,000 people age 15 and older."

"4 American states have banned child marriage, it is still legal in 46 of the 50 states." 🔒👰‍♀🔒…

Same men who share bigoted, cruel ideology now writing law about women's bodies, not men's. When talking guns they scream "Laws don't work, buy a gun!" Unpaid salesman for their way of life who carry guns everywhere to remind us who's in charge.

Many men who assault and rape got to walk up to voting booths and set Society up to legislate their preferred form of getting a "helpmate"; baby incubator, maid, waitress, sex toy. The thing she's not allowed to be? Equal partner in a relationship.

33 states legally allowed to hide child sex abuse. Look what keeps happening. STOP IT NOW! 💁🏿‍♀️👧🏻👧🏽👧🏼🧒🏻🧒🏼🙎‍♂️


👹🐘 ✝️🤞🤑💰 Even more disturbing, the same group is controlling republicans. Just listen to this reverend's admission, under oath, in Congress.

👹🐘 ✝️🤞🤑💰 Even more disturbing, the same group is controlling republicans. Just listen to this reverend's admission, under oath, in Congress.

Law now in 12 states.

Not just a cult. Money laundered. Add it Up: $705,000,000 so far. Money out of Us, no taxes. "How Democracy Gets Corroded': Right-Wing Group Gets Two Dark Money Donations of $425 Million." Bought girls/women for in-group. Enforcers at state level control.…

"Rev. Rob Schenck speaks during press conference in front of the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C., on April 17, 2019. Schenck testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee Dec. 8, 2022 saying that he knew of a leak out of the U.S. Supreme Court in 2014."

MSM not reporting, leaving many in danger. They have no idea there are many pedos in their communities.

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