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May 23, 2023, 9 tweets

How can community power make Britain a more equal place?

We’re about to find out from @ErinmaBell @Jaiden_Corfield @Vibrant_Socks @shutcake 🌟 #StrongerThings

⚡️@joesarling asks our audience what inequality means to them…

“Twenty years ago I never would have identified as a community activist because I thought they were just troublemakers…the I realised I do make trouble - necessary trouble”

⚡️@ErinmaBell on being persistent and taking action in Moss Side #StrongerThings

“Daring to step out of your comfort zone and ask those difficult questions”

Fantastic to hear @ErinmaBell’s experience of building and bridging social capital #StrongerThings

“Having the permission to get angry, get even more angry and then be part of the solution”

The hugely inspiring @Jaiden_Corfield on leading with young people #StrongerThings

“It’s not enough to draw attention to the problem, it’s about enabling people to coproduce the solutions”

“If you’re in a position to make a difference, it’s important to keep the door open” 👏

@shutcake #StrongerThings

💬 @joesarling asks @Vibrant_Socks about tackling inequalities in East Ayrshire:

“It’s brilliant to be talking, but I believe in action.”

“There is risk associated with change but the bigger risk is people not being heard”


“The strengths in communities are outstanding. There’s so much hope in how we make those strengths active”

“There’s a network of people across Britain and beyond who care about this stuff”

Just brilliant hearing such positive messages from @Vibrant_Socks #StrongerThings

✅ You’ve got the power to change the system
✅ The time for rhetoric is over, the time for action is now
✅ Communities are the experts, allow them to build the solutions

Brilliant closing messages from our phenomenal panel #StrongerThings

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