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May 23, 2023, 9 tweets

#StrongerThings 2023 is ending on a high 🚀

@lisanandy takes to the stage for our final session of the day

“Not a limited transfer of powers…a recognition in the end that the country can’t go on like this, even the winners are losing”

“Decisions that matter to us put back into our hands”

@lisanandy on the ambitions of the Take Back Control Act


You can’t build a cohesive country when so many people can’t contribute to nor benefit from its success

To address the systemic powerless that affects our communities, we have to put assets back in people’s hands

@lisanandy on tilting power towards people with skin in the game

“Change is not just possible but inevitable”

“The assets that exist in our communities are being written out of the national story”

@lisanandy #StrongerThings

Central government needs to stop micromanaging decisions in places it’s never stepped foot in.

@lisanandy on shifting power out of Westminster #StrongerThings

“If you want to build change that lasts, people have to have a stake in it”

@lisanandy on what’s possible if you line up local and national resources behind people #StrongerThings

“So often devolution has been seen as a nice to have, something that’s good for local communities and for regions…I think that argument no longer holds…it’s the only way out of our national crisis”

@lisanandy #StrongerThings

“The idea that you can somehow level up the country by pitting areas against each other just doesn’t work”

@lisanandy on the shortcomings of the begging bowl culture that’s emerged through competitive bidding for funding #StrongerThings

Thank you to @lisanandy for that phenomenal closing keynote at #StrongerThings and sharing your vision for a community powered future ⚡

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