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Managing partner of national law firm Siri & Glimstad (https://t.co/jHpHHZlJ2G), 65+ professionals. Civil rights, informed consent, class actions, and high stakes disputes.

May 23, 2023, 6 tweets

Pfizer donations to universities in 2021, of course, had no influence on those universities’ Covid-19 vaccine guidance.

Pfizer donations to hospitals in 2021, of course, had no influence on those hospitals’ Covid-19 vaccine guidance.

Pfizer donations to professional medical associations in 2021, of course, had no influence on those associations’ Covid-19 vaccine guidance.

Pfizer donations to cancer organizations in 2021, of course, had no influence on those organizations’ Covid-19 vaccine guidance.

Pfizer donations to heart related medical organizations in 2021, of course, had no influence on those organizations’ Covid-19 vaccine guidance.

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