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May 24, 2023, 6 tweets

What a disaster. #CoastalGasLink tried to lay a pipeline through this wild salmon wetland while it was frozen. Then the whole thing melted. Now construction is halted because they can’t get vehicles in. The road is floating.

This is Gosnell Creek on Wet'suwet'en territory – home to coho, steelhead, rainbows, cutthroat, Dollies, bull trout, whitefish and more. The B.C. government calls it “a pristine wilderness area with high fisheries and wildlife values.” Not anymore.

The company is now under eight (!) different stop-work orders because of failures like this. From the northern Rockies to the Kitimat River, CGL is sending mud and construction debris into fish habitat.

Project monitors took photos above and below the confluence of the Gosnell and Wedzin Kwa (the Morice River) on the same day. This is not natural. This is runoff from pipeline construction. Trashing some of the last best salmon habitat on the planet.

Ministers @GeorgeHeyman and @josieosborne need to get control of this project. They need to hold #CoastalGasLink accountable. And they damn sure better not approve another pipeline through the Skeena watershed after this.

More reporting on Gosnell Creek and two other recent Coastal GasLink failures from @thenarwhalca…

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