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Chasing digital badness. Sr. Researcher @citizenlab @UofT @munkschool. Fmr.Ed. @SecPlanner. Tweets mine. Or find me on Mastodon:

May 24, 2023, 11 tweets

Killer whales are hunting & sinking ships near Spain.

And may be teaching others how.

Some researchers speculate it may be a new whale fad.

The Orca equivalent of a TikTok challenge.


"two juvenile killer whales went after the rudder while an adult repeatedly rammed the boat... The attack lasted 90 minutes"

They know what they are doing.

Pics of aftermath. You can see an emergency pump running.


"Since you wouldn't protect us, we're taking taking matters into our own flippers"

- Killer Whales

I guess their patience with us ran out.

This is what researchers mean by whale fads...

Sure the world gets changed when pathogens jump species.

But I'm still waiting for an interspecies fad.

Since you were wondering: Killer Whales wearing dead salmon.

Via this great thread

More on the dead salmon hat fad

In other whale news, the Russian "spy whale" is again in the waters near #Oslo #Norway.

Looks like the emergency bilge pumps didn't do the trick.

She's definitely sinking.

Thanks @SomniNaut for flagging
Pic via @salvamentogob (Spanish Coast Guard).

We must teach the orcas to recognize Russian warships.

And improve their weaponry.

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