use case driven (“VaBenne” elsewhere) Profile picture
Change Agent (powered by software). Symmathecist & VP of Engineering @AgicapFrance . Organizer of #DDDFR meetup #lowLatency #nfluent creator #Decolonial #mma

May 25, 2023, 7 tweets

“Finding efficient solutions to practical problems” @davefarley77 at #newcrafts

Optimize for learning #newcrafts

Managing complexity @davefarley77 at #newcrafts

@KentBeck once again quoted at #newcrafts

You don’t know how your steering is working. It’s a nice abstraction. @davefarley77 #newcrafts

To sum-up
@davefarley77 at #newcrafts

All this is useful in order to enhance change. #newcrafts

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