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Change Agent (powered by software). Symmathecist & VP of Engineering @AgicapFrance . Organizer of #DDDFR meetup #lowLatency #nfluent creator #Decolonial #mma

May 25, 2023, 9 tweets

The maintenance mode problem. @SteveSmith_Tech #newcrafts

Solution #1 the delivery teams #newcrafts

“If you name your app with greek gods, beattles, or…. You and I won’t be friends” 😄

In a nutshell, delivery teams solution. #newcrafts

Solutions #2 - Operations team

All the maintenance on the operations live support. 😳

“Do not use marvel characters namee either” 😄

@SteveSmith_Tech #newcrafts

The Reverse (service) transition counter measure (sucks too)

.@SteveSmith_Tech #newcrafts

The survey result for solution 2 this time.

Solution #3. Multi product teams.

You build it you run it.

@SteveSmith_Tech at #newcrafts


The name of the product team should represent the purpose of their product family

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