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May 26, 2023, 7 tweets

Refactoring Blockers

- Lack of patience
- Seeking perfection (can be demotivating)
- Guilt-shame-despair
- I don’t know (we don’t trust our own ability-opinion
- No spears, no spikes
- No compassion

@ClareSudbery #newcrafts

How to facilitate refactoring using compassion to…
@ClareSudbery #newcrafts

« Thinking takes time. » @ClareSudbery at #newcrafts

Couldn’t agree more. Reason why I always refer to the « sustainable pace » of eXtreme Programming with my colleagues and also ask them:

Can't you find your best ideas like me by walking or taking a shower? 😄

Many more much smaller steps.

@GeePawHill quoted here by @ClareSudbery at #newcrafts

The wheel of confusion. Everyone has blind spots or favorite topics. Let’s share this all together in order to get more confident in our refactoring.

“Seeking joy” while refactoring by @ClareSudbery

A really important topic for me too. 😍

I use to challenge myself & colleagues with: let’s try to make every work day worth living by achieving baby steps, improving things, learning stuffs and seeking joy.


To conclude @ClareSudbery at #newcrafts

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