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May 26, 2023, 10 tweets

🔆Midjourney: Pro Tips
--welcome to prompt alchemy and creation spell

Thread about using the potetinal of old versions of MJ and REMASTER. Prompts in ALT #midjourney #remaster #alchemy

🚩Here is an example of my design approach, This point of view can improve your prompts:

In this thread we will only use same prompt. And we will try to unleash its all potentials.

Firstly, We will try to create a spell casting magician with a book. But in V5 we are losing some spiritual effects.

So; we will use some ancient spell of V4 to get a consistent output!


Prompt creation is similar to alchemy in many ways.
The order of techniques you apply can change a lots of details.

In V5; summoning windlike cursed spirit is missing. So we will try to get more consistent output V4 to V5.1

There are some examples of V5.1 below.


-go /settings in MJ and change version to V4
-add your prompt --testp
-don't enter --ar ratio, if you want to get two output. Otherwise you will only get one.
-use U button
-click remaster to upgrade V5.1

Now, we are getting some spiritual fire/windlike spirit effect.


Now, we have a spellcasting magician who is summoning fire/wind like spirit!

4-More examples of ancient creation spell!

5-Push the limits!

Did you realize that remaster convert the compositions of scene and added some mystic lights?

6-More experiments about pushing the limits!

Now scene compositions is completely changed again.

7-More Experiments with close-up shots!

So here is just one of my cursed spell! What is your? Thread is ended for now! Thank you!🚩

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