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Change Agent (powered by software). Symmathecist & VP of Engineering @AgicapFrance . Organizer of #DDDFR meetup #lowLatency #nfluent creator #Decolonial #mma

May 26, 2023, 15 tweets

Look who’s here! #newcrafts

Coupling and cohesion for the first time were defined in this book. #newcrafts

“Software design is an exercice of human relationship” was written

Every idea will change the behavior of the software, which leads us to many more ideas (fan-out here).

Reason why Backlogs are bad ideas => because they are growing exponentially. @KentBeck at #newcrafts

How things are affecting each others. #newcrafts

“Software design is an exercice of human relationship” (here between sponsors and geeks-changers). @KentBeck at #newcrafts

Saying “we will now work on the Structure during 6 months and adding no new features in the mean time” is not helping the human relationship between the geeks and the sponsors. 😀

We need to maintain the relationship.

Programmers very often don’t have respect in their own work. A kind of ritual scaring (should be painful) 🤦‍♂️@KentBeck #newcrafts

Be careful: Moving the structure (refactoring) may be very addictive and seductive, but need diminution return.

(It’s comfortable cuz we don’t even have negative feedback from users like when we deliver a change of behavior). @KentBeck #newcrafts

The cost of Software is equivalent to the cost of change which is equivalent to… the cost of coupling.

We need to reduce the coupling (at a reasonable pace) @KentBeck #newcrafts

Empirical vs Speculative software design (bets) #newcrafts

Any comment saying: « be sure » is bad coupling 😄 #newcrafts

Software is not just about the money.

There is also beauty in coding. @KentBeck

We can both try to bring more value to this world, and have pleasure (as geeks) doing so. @KentBeck

(That was a hell of a keynote!). Thank you #newcrafts for this.

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