Michael P Senger Profile picture
Attorney, author of Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World https://t.co/cPemrqCK9w

May 26, 2023, 24 tweets

THREAD – The Great COVID Ventilator Death Cover-up

Tens of thousands of Americans died after being placed on mechanical ventilators in spring 2020. It’s long past time we got real answers as to how many were killed this way. 1/

Early COVID data from China had suggested that ventilators would need to be used widely in the treatment of COVID patients, and this led to a major rush by politicians and hospitals to procure tens of thousands of ventilators. A small sample of the headlines from that period. 2/

However, it soon became clear that ventilators were being vastly overused. Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell acted as an early whistleblower, sounding the alarm in a widely-shared video. 3/

In interviews with major media outlets, several practitioners later disclosed that patients had often been put on ventilators not for their own benefit, but in order to protect hospital staff and stop the virus from spreading. 4/

As Dr. Rich McCormick told the House COVID Select Subcommittee, “we were intubating people that probably shouldn’t have been intubated.” 5/

As Meredith Case, an internal medicine resident at NewYork-Presbyterian hospital, put it in a series of since-deleted threads, hospitals were “early intubating” patients for “many days if not weeks” “to avoid aerosolizing procedures to protect staff.” 6/

This practice of prolonged intubation was apparently consistent with guidance from China. As Zeynep Tufekci had put it, “Chinese scientists” advised “many COVID-19 patients need to stay on mechanical ventilators as long as four weeks.” 7/

Some hospitals in New York began engaging in “split-ventilation”—putting patients on ventilators two-at-a-time. “Split-ventilation” made intubation even more dangerous than it already was. 8/

Even Anthony Fauci eventually admitted that having “very very readily put people on mechanical ventilation” may have “caused more harm than good.” 9/

The New Yorker featured a harrowing account of one early victim’s final moments before he was put on a ventilator and died—even though he didn’t even “feel sick” at the time he was intubated. 10/

A study in JAMA later revealed a 97.2% mortality rate among those over age 65 put on mechanical ventilators. Patients over age 65 were more than 26 times as likely to survive if they were NOT placed on mechanical ventilators. 11/

Overall, mortality among COVID patients in New York area hospitals fell by over two-thirds between spring 2020 and summer 2020. 12/

Yet astonishingly, despite all this evidence, the establishment is arguing that *no patients* were killed by ventilators in spring 2020. An astonishing argument, even by the abysmal standards of the COVID era. 13/

The data bears out that ventilator use was sharply curtailed after spring 2020. Overall, CDC data shows that about 10,000 patients died with COVID in NYC hospitals after being put on ventilators in spring 2020. 14/

As I’ve previously written, the percentage increase in excess deaths in the greater New York area in spring 2020 vastly outstrips the percentage increase even in other cities with similar climate and social and economic demographics. 15/

Further, as @EWoodhouse7 has documented in meticulous detail, New York City experienced an unnaturally sharp, breathtaking mortality event just after its lockdown began, unlike anywhere where else or at any other time. 16/
(Source: CDC Wonder mortality, 2018–last month).

A side-by-side comparison of inpatient hospital mortality from 2018 to present in NYC vs America’s other largest metro areas illustrates this unnatural, sharp spike in mortality in NYC in spring 2020. 17/
(Source: CDC Wonder mortality, 2018–last month).

Moreover, the spike in mortality among young people is inconsistent with COVID’s heavily-stratified IFR by age. This is the most widely-cited data on COVID’s IFR by age. Thus, the unnatural spike in mortality in NYC in spring 2020 cannot be attributed to COVID. 18/

The establishment has responded with studies claiming “early intubation” actually reduced time on ventilators, but this is a straw-man. The real issue is whether patients were put on ventilators unnecessarily, or kept on them too long. 19/

Even more strangely, most attorneys with whom I’ve discussed the ventilator issue agree that there’s actually little litigation risk for the medical establishment given the perceived global emergency and the information coming from China at the time. 20/

This, too, leads me to believe that the real number of patients killed by ventilators must be frighteningly high; even absent any real litigation risk, the embarrassment alone is leading to this broad cover-up. 21/

Given all the clumsy, self-contradictory arguments about ventilator deaths coming from the medical establishment, you’ve probably gathered that these are not sophisticated crooks. Rather, these are ordinary people who can’t seem to face what really happened. 22/

As I detailed in Snake Oil, it’s the hallmark of any great dictator to be able to bring out the evil even in ordinary people. And some men are uncannily good at what they do. 23/

Nonetheless, the situation is morally inexcusable. We need to know how these patients died, not only so we know what really happened during the initial response to COVID in spring 2020, but also because it’s the least we can do to honor the deceased. /end

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