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May 29, 2023, 7 tweets

As a passionate Twitter consumer, I've subscribed to various creators, and now it's time to share my insights that I have gathered. Get ready for a thorough analysis of their unique features, standout elements, and my genuine impressions. Join me as I reveal… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Click this tweet and read the attached thread to find the 5 Star Subscription Reviews! #KikiSubScoop

Click this tweet and read the attached thread to find the 4 Star Subscription Reviews! #KikiSubScoop

Click this tweet and read the attached thread to find the 3 Star Subscription Reviews! #KikiSubScoop

Click this tweet and read the attached thread to find the 2 Star Subscription Reviews! #KikiSubScoop

Click this tweet and read the attached thread to find the 1 Star Subscription Reviews! #KikiSubScoop

Content Creator: @EdKrassen
Review Date: 5.28.2023
Subscription price: $4.00
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Ed is a true gem in my subscription journey, he was the second creator I subscribed to, Elon was the first. Despite our different political views, I took a leap of faith.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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