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Entelea arborescens fan | Centrist | Atheist | Blasphemer | #HomosexualNotQueer | #GayNotQueer | #LGBWithoutTheT

May 29, 2023, 7 tweets

A Rainbow Wellington petition.

Absolutely Positively Bonkers.

"Voice training, a life-saving intervention that can alleviate severe dysphoria caused by having a voice that doesn't sound like your own".

Gets worse. #NZPol #StopTransingTheGayAway #LGBWithoutTheTQ #GayNotQueer

No therapy, no endocrinologist, just dish out "HRT" because the patient, living in a fantasy world of "gender identity", demands it. /2

They demand experimental (sometimes can't even be deemed from lack of record keeping) "treatment" to disrupt natural puberty, dished out from every GP to teens who are disproportionately same-sex attracted. Gay conversion practice by "gender identity". Monsters. /3

They want cosmetic surgeries and genital mutilation practices to be fully funded to those living in the delusion of "gender identity" /4

They demand funding to travel overseas when their insane demands exceed national capacity. /5

The voice therapy. Oh, and free hair removal. These two are just laughable. /6

Finally, they demand the health system affirm their delusions via outright misuse of sex-based language at the expense of women's and children's rights. The inmates want to be responsible for the asylum. What could possibly go wrong/get worse?


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