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Entrepreneur, budding author and a big Kangana Fan.

May 29, 2023, 23 tweets

Strategic religious conversions is a serious threat that cannot be trivialized. To all the clowns who are trivializing this subject, here are some hard facts on why the conversion numbers are much higher than that seen in reports and surveys.

My main argument - In absence of any major conversion racket & in the absence of any major known influx of illegal immigrants, why does the growth rate and birth rate show major discrepancies in Kerala?

The data is taken from census report of 2011 (which is the latest census available). One may think the increase of M population from 24-26% and reduction of H population from 56-55% between 2001-11 is not significant. But don’t let the small change fool you, understand the math.

This is because population growth is not linear but exponential. Which means when population is small, growth is small but as population increases the growth increases rapidly. Therefore it’s important to track the “growth rate” rather than just year to year growth.

The growth rate of a population actually shows the true picture. The growth rate of M population is about 6 times of H population.

To calculate the birth rate, we use the live birth data. The ratio of birth rates between the two populations can be calculated by using the share of live births and dividing by their respective populations. We see the birth rate of M population is 2 times that of H population.

This means for every 1% increase in H population the increase in M population is 6% out of which only 2% increase can be attributed to live births. If there’s no large scale conversion then where does this 4% M population come from? Can someone care to explain?

This 4% disproportionate growth of M population cannot be attributed to new people moving into Kerala coz this growth rate is in contrast to the H population. Unless exclusively only M population are entering Kerala, this growth doesn’t make sense.

4% is not a trivial number. This means that an excess of 35,000 people get added to M population each year which cannot be explained by live births or any other natural factors. So then what explains this increase if not conversion?

Putting this information out was important coz recently I’ve noticed many people have actually started getting influenced by the meticulously made YouTube videos.

The biggest problem is confusing conversion numbers with !sis recruitment numbers. #TheKeralaStory movie mentions 32000 conversions, not recruitments. The number shown in movie lines with the data I’ve shown in this thread.

Also except for NIA and Home ministry reports (which I’ll explain), all other sources are dubious coz they’re based of random surveys. Infact there is no authentic way to track religious conversions because most government IDs (Adhar, PAN, Passports) don’t mention religion.

This is the real problem with collecting data on conversions. Unlike marriages, births & deaths, religious conversions are not officially registered anywhere. In absence of hard data, we have to rely on random surveys, most of which are conducted with hidden agendas by NGOs.

Moreover, there is so much fear, stigma and guilt associated with conversions, most people tend to lie in these surveys especially when conducted face to face. Surveys also largely depend on the sample size that you choose. @SwarajyaMag

Even in census surveys, many people may lie about conversions from the fear of losing minority benefits and reservations, if are receiving any. Also don’t underestimate the power of brainwashing which makes people lie in census surveys.

The so called “Home Ministry report” is essentially a remark made in the court. It basically says since the term “love Jihaad” is not properly defined, no such cases are reported by central agencies. Makes sense since the jurisdiction lies with local police not central agencies.

The so called “NIA report” was based on a particular case involving 5 women. NIA clearly states only in that particular case no terror angle was involved.

Now ask yourself- even if terror angle isn’t involved(but it is), does it mean forced conversion is not a big threat?

Also to think that only 89 cases exist, coz only 89 cases have been reported is utter stupidity. Similar to r@pe cases, most often culprits blackmail and threaten their victims not to go to the police and only a handful few cases make it to the records.

And what can I say about Supreme Court? Our law system is so ridiculous that to explain how they function I’ll use an equally ridiculous analogy. For the courts to ask for exact number of conversations in Kerala is like asking for exact number of people who like eating ice creams……

Mind you, this is not just about a movie, or the story of Kerala but the story of entire India. Population growth is like nuclear chain reaction, it takes some time to reach a critical mass but once it gets there then there’s no going back.

And if you still don’t believe, wait for the next census report to come out, which is pending since 2021 due to c0vid. We are only analyzing 2011 data right now. When the new census report comes out, I’m sure that even the most treacherous of people will switch sides on this……

This thread may sound communally charged but sorry I cant help it. When the plight of so many women are being mocked and people have started being influenced by YouTubers, I’ve no other option but to give everyone a reality check. Pls share if you found this helpful 🙏🏻

Pls subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want more such content.…

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