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May 29, 2023, 18 tweets

After nearly 2 years away I finally had a chance to return to the Westcliffe property Tenacious Unicorn abandoned

Though I can't say I was particularly surprised by anything I saw (given my experience with TUR) I'm truly overwhelmed by the sheer volume of trash they left behind

There is some discussion to be had about the friends of TUR that tried to claim the property for themselves after Penny left.

They ransacked and vandalized the house after being caught but they did not haul in all this trash to make a mess within the 24 hrs Penny left

We've made some effort to clean out the interior. This alone has taken two 30 yard dumpsters and about $2000 to get to this point

Underneath you can see there's lots of damage left behind including cat urine stains, ruined appliances and unrepaired plumbing damage

Though there is plenty of gray area inside as to which party is to blame for the damage done, this only scratches the surface of the sheer extent of harm TUR brought to the home I put my financial future on the line for

Since it's construction I have always referred to the "dug in barn" as a mud pit since water drainage was never considered

I was appalled to see the design after I moved off property in my last visits

Sadly inside Sky discovered one last forgotten alpaca (not pictured)

Outside there is a massive amount of trash left everywhere around the building

Tin cans from the recycling trailer they took. Donated mattresses meant for homeless trans people, all kinds of furniture and broken machinery

Pic in 1st tweet is the surrounding deck they removed

A trick of Penny's that I learned while helping them move out of the Livermore property is to stuff trash in every out building, basement and crevice so the main building looks relatively clean but half hide the extent of removal costs needed to get a home ready for sale

The tire piles I'm really confused about. Where did they keep coming from, why were they keeping them? (outside of difficulties with disposal)

And of course there is my car. I might sound like I'm having a fine time looking over the damage but I can assure you that is a trauma response

All in all the damage is extensive

I've spoken with a number of people who believe I can at least break even on a sale

There might be a buyer for it as is or I'll have to remove the trash which was estimated at $16k alone

Proper repairs would cost 10s to 100s of thousands

The following tweets will include as many of the pictures I didn't use in the thread so far

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