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Writer 🏳️‍🌈🌱 she/her phd student (derogatory) Darklina & Reylo & Daemyra

May 29, 2023, 36 tweets

a mini darklina textfic / Social Media AU

(nepo baby extraordinaire) Nikolai Starkov’s sister is pregnant.

Their dad’s law office is the perfect place to find out the whodunnit.

Hello peeps! Welcome back!

This will be short and sweet and perhaps a 7/10 in the Anya Silliness scale, so beware 🥸

Tw for mentions of pregnancy and accidental pregnancy!

As always feel free to mute this thread by muting the hashtag #WildChildDarklina

1. Hot Office Goss! Privacy is overrated!


2. Oversharing is fun, that’s a fact. And when people can’t just ignore you because they work for your dad?

Double Fun!


3. Well Someone’s curious :)


4. Call Him Mr Desperate.


5. Nikolai has connected the dots (allegedly) !!!!!


6. Well, who ELSE could be the dad? Honestly. He’s young, he’s fresh, he’s not the smartest but—


7. How much worse could Aleksander’s day get, you think?


8. and some idiot just won’t 👏🏻shut 👏🏻 up👏🏻!!


9. So about that break up…. :(


10. My man is losing his mind and it hasn’t even been a hour since the news dropped


11. Does anyone get the feeling that some people in this chat are acting like they know more than they should? 🤔


12. At last, a ray of sunshine in the dark ☀️


13. Being angry and being hurt sometimes feels like one big lump in your throat.


14. And messages just won’t stop coming!!!


15. God why is he so… disgusting :(


16. Desperation as you’ve never seen before.


17. She might not be a lawyer but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to negotiate


18. He cares. So much. About his girl.


19. Aleksander Morozova, Art Enthusiast.


20. Is this Alina….letting go of her anger?


21. Wow what a great plan Nikolai! How fun! What a joke!


22. You could say Nikolai Jkjkjked and hahaed a little too close to the sun 😬


23. She just wants him there. That’s all.


24. Yeah so like a baby but like is the wedding off the table or….?


25. He’s got jokes too.


26. It’s a Deal, then.


27. Oh look who’s here too :)



28. The Aftermath.


Epilogue 💛


29. He’s not six month old yet and he’s already running the show :)

Just like his mum 🥲


30. And Mum and Dad? Well they’re doing their best.


31. Okay scratch that they are Disgusting.


32. The End 💛


And that’s the end my loves!

Thank you for following along, and as always thank you for all the comments, likes, RTs, and for always showing up so much excitement and support!

By the way! I’m always open to suggestions and comments, so don’t be a stranger! :)

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