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May 29, 2023, 10 tweets

ok here is a more relevant thread for the $biao boyyz @biaocoin -- lets take a look at the holder details to see if any of them came from $pepe.. and other positions in the wallet; mainly looking at timing of entry.

should be interesting.. Check this out.


12 0x41fc…d1e2 $160,212 - purchased $PEPE pretty early right around launch but looks like they paper handed.. $BIAO is the largest position in the wallet at $159K -- followed by some $ETH and dust..


15 0x2d13…e42e $177,845

bought $pepe on April 27th which was a few days prior to the launch.. and continued to trade in and out of the position, adding a lot more in May.. the wallet starting buying $BIAO May 27th 39E worth -- position size $138K -(9B) --


37 0x9cb3…1d3e $486,340.64

had a boss $PEPE entry and actually sold relatively well into the retrace and bought back the position lower.. would say this is a solid trader when it came to the $PEPE position.. Wallet purchase $BIAO today at $0.00022


40 pepethegreenfrog.eth (those in the TG saw this guy scooping up big today) -- $124,718

This wallet was super early on $PEPE buying on April 16, which is before EX screener started tracking --

Currently holds a position of $61K in $BIAO -- seems to be trading it.


56 0x665b…a574 $223,000
the wallet currently holds $BIAO as the 2nd largest position; #0xc being the first... both close in value..

The wallet also holds $ZERO $REMIT and #0x0 which i've heard are good coins..

bought a lot of $BIAO, started trimming yesterday and today.


57 0xcb1a…420b $148,000

was a late buying of $PEPE but in the profit.. got a good entry on #0xt -- more of a trader here going in and out of the position but still holds $39K


71 0xb41a…3497 $146,000

$UNIBOT $DMT #0XT -- got into $UNIBOT at $1.21, #0xt first hit at launch.. and $DMT at launch.. overall i'd say this wallet is a good trader.. been buying $BIAO May 27th and more today on the dip.. small $pepe bag post run.

Good sign.


81 0xabd9…9f7a $103,000
Wallet also got into $PEPE early and had a perfect sale at the top of the run.. been trading in and out of the position but seems to be more taking profits than buying.. Did the same with $GEN (BUYING EARLY) -- STARTED buying $BIAO yesterday & today.


100 0x9bad…9be9 $625K
Another early buying of $PEPE - completely crushing it. seems to be selling out to rotate into other positions.. the wallet only holds 8 positions so very focused -- $20K of $Biao -- along with $RBE; almost every trade profitable, bought $biao today 12E.

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