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May 30, 2023, 7 tweets

Liquidity Book Rewards: Epoch 5

Time to bring $JOE rewards to #BNBChain. Supply your liquidity, accrue fees and unlock $JOE rewards to boost your yield 🌊📘

Reward scoring starts tonight: 00:00 GMT

Intrigued? 👇

🌊 Epoch 5 Details: #BNBChain

• $STG - USDT - 15k JOE
• $BNB - USDT - 45k JOE
• $BUSD - USDT - 10k JOE
• $ETH - BNB - 20k JOE (5bp)
• $BTC.B - BNB - 20k JOE (25bp)
• $JOE - BNB - 10k JOE

🌊 Epoch 5 Details: #Arbitrum

• $ARB - ETH - 30k JOE
• $LEVEL - USDT - 15k JOE
• $JOE - ETH - 15k JOE
• $MAGIC - ETH - 25k JOE
• $GMX - ETH - 10k JOE

🌊 Epoch 5 Details: @WOONetwok

• $WOO - ETH - $5k worth of $WOO rewards


📘 How to get involved?

📊 Supply liquidity and accrue fees over the epoch duration. The more fees you earn the higher your score.

🔓 Accrue at least 1% of total fees generated by a Pool to qualify for rewards. The higher your score the more $JOE rewards you earn.

🔎 What Liquidity Pools have rewards?

Head over to Pool page and access Arbitrum or BNB Chain. Any Liquidity Pool with a 'Rewards' tag is automatically tracking your liquidity.

Rewards will be distributed at the end of the 2 week epoch and will vest over a 2 week period.

💸 Community: Makers Club

Whilst this is a competition, plenty of community members actively partake in strategy sharing.

The Trader Joe Discord is often the best way to engage and share insights. Unlock rewards in ANY epoch and you'll gain access to the Makers club channel.

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