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May 30, 2023, 22 tweets

Tara Reade 🧵

Now that our favorite #ProWarRally #WeLovePutinRally speaker Tara Reade has officially "defected to russia", she wins her own thread!

Yes, Tara Reade is friends with convicted russian spy Maria Butina:

Not exactly surprising. Tara Reade has been pretty open about her pro-russia stance. Remember when some were shocked to see russian flags (also soviet flags, russian imperial flags, etc) at the
#ProWarRally #WeLovePutinRally ...

... and would engage in all sorts of unconvincing gaslighting to deny responsibility for it...

... Tara Reade, conversely, was genuinely happy to see them:

Likewise, when someone posted this edit of the official #ProWarRally #WeLovePutinRally graphics with different (but real) quotes, her fans were outraged... up until Tara Reade herself confirmed she still stood by them🤡

Sources of the quotes:
"Why a Liberal Democrat Supports Vladimir Putin"…

"Who Let the Cats Out?"…
by Alexandra Tara Reade

Yes, Tara Reade really likes Putin. She was also a contributor to RT (russia state-affiliated media).

Tara Reade denying russian disinformation with... Dmitry Polyanskiy 😂…

Did we mention Tara Reade *really* likes Putin? Here with another Putin stan, from #WeLovePutinRally sponsor "Action 4 Assange" 🤡

Tara Reade unequivocally endorsing the war, as is befitting of a #ProWarRally speaker.

Tara Reade unequivocally endorsing the war, as is befitting of a #ProWarRally speaker.

CPI, btw, was another sponsor of the #ProWarRally . Full-fledged tankies, including DDR t-shirts, Soviet flags, and led by Caleb Maupin, fan of Lenin and Kim Il Sung.

Caleb Maupin praising Lenin on RT (russian state-affiliated media):


Tara Reade getting an award from CPI 🤡🏆

Tara Reade getting an award from CPI (continued) 🤡🏆

If you're curious about what raids they are complaining about: ("U.S. Political Group 1 in Florida" - African People’s Socialist Party and the Uhuru Movement)…

"U.S. Political Group 1 in Florida" - African People’s Socialist Party and the Uhuru Movement…

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