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जय श्री राम

Jun 1, 2023, 8 tweets

We have already implemented significant reforms in infrastructure, roads, energy, Digital India, formalisation of the economy, and financial inclusion.

Therefore, our primary focus should now be on promoting economic growth. #Modi4PM2024 🧵/1

To achieve this, we need to prioritize strengthening the manufacturing sector to absorb the unemployed rural population into the formal sector. This will help reduce agri-employment participation and facilitate the transition towards technology-adapted agri-farming. /2

Additionally, we should establish more food processing units, storage facilities, and focus on branding agri-vegetable products.

Looking ahead to 2032, it is crucial to establish a strategic petroleum reserve with a backup supply of 40-50 days. /3

Furthermore, the development of HSR connectivity b/w states and major cities is vital. Additionally, we should invest in the expansion of rail networks that connect rural and urban areas. /4

In order to foster a sound economic environment, we must adopt a better fiscal policy framework and take measures against the distribution of freebies. /5

By bringing all metros and important cities under the control of the central govt, similar to Union territories, by 2032, we can ensure improved living conditions and infrastructure for taxpayers. /6

Reforms such as the UCC require careful consideration and should not be rushed within the next 10 yrs. It is important to avoid wasting precious time and instead focus on strategic initiatives. /7

Lastly, a strong govt is essential, and coalition govts may not be suitable in this context! 8/8

#Modi4PM2024 #BJPFor2024 #NDAfor2024

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