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Jun 1, 2023, 10 tweets

Some interesting research came out recently on the relationship between people with left-wing authoritarian politics, narcissism and psycopathy.

Interestingly, it seems to vindicate many earlier thinkers who theorised about the connection between leftism and pathology.

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2/10 The research found a strong correlation between left authoritarianism and dark triad traits. It did not find greater altruism or commitment to social justice.

They conclude that for these people their left-wing views are simply a way for them to express power over others.

3/10 In 1906, a socialist named John Spargo wrote on the pathologies he believed had informed the Bolshevik Revolution.

Spargo had first hand contact with leading Bolsheviks. He was shocked by the ease with which they could hold contradictory views on issues like free speech.

4/10 Spargo observed what he called “Hysterical Hyperesthesia” among the Bolshevik leadership.

Many of the symptoms of this condition he describes are things we would today associate with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

5/10 Indeed, recent studies suggests an extremely close relationship between narcissism and left-wing authoritarianism.

Spargo's observations may be more universal than even he realised.

6/10 Another who undertook the study of this topic was the psychotherapist Andrzej Lobaczewski. He coined the term "pathocracy" to describe the process where a pathological minority rule over a majority.

Often these are intellectuals that seize on the discontent of a majority.

7/10 Lobaczewski had conducted secret research on the role of psycopaths in Communist Poland.

He discussed how psycopaths quickly realise the traumatic effect their personalities have on others, and realise the power this gives them to advance their goals through terror.

8/10 Since ideology simply is simply a means for the psycopath to liberate themselves from what they feel are oppressive normal human customs, Lobaczewski warns “Every great social movement can thereby become ‘a host upon which some pathocracy initiates its parasitic life.”

9/10 That insight is also vindicated by modern psychological research.

This paper theorised that many narcissists holding left-wing authoritarian views would just as easily hold right-authoritarian views if it provided a better vehicle to satisfy the needs of their ego.

10/10 This means we would expect narcissists and psycopaths to be especially attracted to ascendant movements which allow them to cancel, dominate and terrorise others.

Today this is provided by the radical left, especially in the form of Antiwhiteism and the trans movement.

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