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Jun 1, 2023, 9 tweets

33. #Bateshwar Group of temples #Morena (near #Gwalior)

Group of ~ 200 small temples made of sandstone built ~ 8th CE in #GujjarPratihar style of architecture.

These temples are dedicated to Shiv, Vishnu & Shakti.

The perfect example of the “#Mandapika shrine” - One step further from the single cave cell design concept.

Temples were destroyed in the 13th century by Islamic invaders & later by earthquakes.

They were in complete ruins when #ASI started working on this project in 2005.

Renovation of these temples was a pure labour of passion, hard work & dedication.

In 2005, when @ASI started renovating these temples under the supervision of Sri K K Muhammed, It was equivalent to solving a giant jigsaw puzzle.

The location too was completely inaccessible due to the notorious Chambal Decoits.

Sri K K Muhammed approached Nirbhay Singh Gujjar (head of the dacoits) & convinced him to give safe passage for the workers.

Gujjar was moved by his request and he with his men helped #ASI to renovate close to 60 temples.


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