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Jun 1, 2023, 12 tweets

#BRC721 is one to watch for exciting developments in Bitcoin.

But, there's more to the story.

Have you heard about #GBRC721? @0xJerry543's variation is worth exploring too.

Here's what I've learned from my research:

First there are a few variation of #BRC721 proposals

1/ BRC-721 @BRC_721

This implementation is very close to ERC-721

A creator has more control and flexibility plus BRC-721 tokens can store images through Metadata via IPFS.


With that, inscribing fees are cheaper but downside is that images are not on chain.

Here are some examples of the collections
You will find some not yet reveal and some revealed


Currently only works with @OrdinalSafe

2/ Next we have @Ord_brc721

The collection based on this is @bitcat_ord

It also leverage on image IPFS thus keeping the fees low but it does not offer much flexibility for creators.

Implementation is much more straight forward

But it requires extra indexing and the team is currently working it

Both proposals above leverage on IPFS to reduce block space usage thus lowering the fees.

But the beauty of ordinals is to have it on-chain, forever, immutable

This is where #GBRC721 comes in

#GBRC721 is proposed by @0xJerry543

It leverage on BASE 64 encoding to reduce block space usage. It does this by converting images to BASE 64 text format

eg. you can use this service to turn your image into text


This is the sample deployment script

It enables a collection to set up different trait types and each trait can have multiple variation - each encoded in base64


Then how would a user be able to see the images?

This task be will for the frontend, ie the marketplaces to piece back the images layer by layer - in a way generative

OrdiBots is the first #GBRC721 collection

It does not need special indexing but it will need the support of Frontend

@kelvinaddr has a good visual comparison of #GBRC721 vs #BRC721

I am leaning against #GBRC721, it's a big plus assets are on-chain.

But the lack of flexibility for creators and ability of collect payments like #BRC721... will be a -ev for creators

This space is super early so it is hard to say which implementation will be the majority. So it will be exciting to see what is to come...

For #GBRC721, @0xJerry543 is working on a tutorial so expect more #GBRC721 to come

frens and accs I'm learning #BRC721 from
@SethCryptoSerch -> wrote a good breakdown of #BRC721 too

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