Iryna Voichuk Profile picture
Ukraіnian voice from the hero city of Kharkiv. War reporting & Life notes.

Jun 1, 2023, 5 tweets

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On the National Children’s Day, an exhibition in memory of children killed by russian aggression was opened at one of the metro stations in Kharkiv. It was hard for me to hold back tears while reading the stories of these little angels.
But I felt……

Polina Tutunzhy. 8 y.o. 16.03.2022. Mariupol.

Hello! My name is Polina, I’m 8 years old and I have lived all my life in those city of Mariupol that the whole world has been talking about in recent months... My childhood was spent in the once bright city by the sea, and I died……

Margarita Haponenko. 8 y.o. 21.06.2022. Bezruky, Kharkiv region.

Hello everyone! My name is Margaryta, I’m from Kharkiv region. When I was killed, I was only 8 years old - I had just celebrated my birthday recently. It turned out to be the last for me. Enemy shells flew right……

Anna Sokolova. 9 y.o. 20.03.2022. Mariupol.

Hello everyone! I’m 9-year-old Anna Sokolova from Mariupol. All the time, while the russians were shelling my city, I was hiding in our house with my mother Yana. We tried to leave Mariupol twice, but the enemy stopped us twice. After……

The unborn child of the Zamchenko family. 10.17.2022. Kyiv.

Hello! In this photo you don't see me, but my mom and dad. They are so smiling and happy on their wedding day. Mom got pregnant with me, their dream child, just a few years later. But they didn’t have time to rejoice……

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