The Lamka Resurgence Squad Profile picture
Tweeting from Zoland Ground Zero.

Jun 2, 2023, 6 tweets

A thread on how the Manipur Government is a source of misinformation. (1/6)

#ManipurOnFire #SeparationOnlySolution

A thread on how the Manipur Government is a source of misinformation. (2/6)

#ManipurOnFire #SeparationOnlySolution

A thread on how the Manipur Government is a source of misinformation. (3/6)

#ManipurOnFire #SeparationOnlySolution

A thread on how the Manipur Government is a source of misinformation. (4/6)

#ManipurOnFire #SeparationOnlySolution

A thread on how the Manipur Government is a source of misinformation. (5/6)

#ManipurOnFire #SeparationOnlySolution

A thread on how the Manipur Government is a source of misinformation. (6/6)

#ManipurOnFire #SeparationOnlySolution

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