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Jun 2, 2023, 11 tweets

That look you make when Alex Jones calls you out for building Billionaire End-of-Times Bunkers on Kauai Zuck?
-More than 20 billionaires building underground bunkers
-Large dome tents to hide excavation at his house
-Underground sub bases

Mark Zuckerberg building underground infrastructure on Kauai (Hawaii) checks out... here are some Satellite images of his operation.

You can see on the left of the second image, there is a ton of heavy duty equipment on site, heaps of vehicles and all sorts of tents to hide what he is digging up building. What a bizarre situation going on in beautiful north shore Kauai

And here is another image from January of this year. The operation is expanding and more heavy machinery in place. This might be the biggest non military infrastructure installation in Kauai's history.

Here you can see underground infrastructure being prepared for concrete pouring. #Zuckerberg #BillionaireBunker

Here is some oblique imagery of the Zuckerberg laydown yard where he's keeps all the heavy duty equipment required to build underground bunkers. So much going on over these properties its hard to keep up. Stay tuned for more.

Here we have what appears to be the Zuckerberg Security compound not too far from one of his private residences.

Nestled beside his massive security compound here we have what appears to be Zuckerberg's private residence.

Visual proof that Mark Zuckerberg is building underground bunkers on Kauai. You can see the underground tunnel connecting these two buildings. A massive operation

The before and after pictures of the tunnels that are being constructed. See before and after pictures. #BillionaireBunker #Kauai

Its great that remote sensing can be used to track the elites building doomsday bunkers. I would be happy to source more images for those who want to expose what the elites are doing in Kauai.

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