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Jun 3, 2023, 5 tweets

Vastu Tips: Removing negativity from home using salt

A mixture of lemon juice with water, white vinegar and salt can be used for wiping doorknobs and windows. Subsequently, spill sea-salt at the entrance and cover it using a doormat to get rid of negative energy from entering your premises.

A pinch of sea-salt must be added to the water while mopping, excluding Thursdays to remove all the negative energy from home

If a couple’s relationship is facing any conflict or if they are going through rough patches, then putting a small piece of rock salt beside the bed’s corner would definitely help. The rock salt aids in removing negative vibes that build gaps in relationships

For warding off evil eyes, take a pinch of salt in your hand and move it in a circular motion over the head of the person who has been affected. Do this practice thrice. Later, make sure to throw the salt out of the house.

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